The Big Apple

What a trip! Saturday morning- Kelley Wenzel, Erin Siegel, Nancy Schindler and myself hopped on various modes of transportation and met up in the Big Apple.  On the agenda, SHOPPING! SHOPPING! SHOPPING! And boy did we ever! After we tracked everyone down in Penn Station, we headed to the hotel, checked in, ate some lunch, and headed out in the VEEERRRYYY cold streets of NY.

Times Square

I think we were frozen within minutes, but it was good to be there, regardless! We took in the sights and enjoyed the view and then hurried along....


Our first stop was to Martha Stewart's favorite trimmings store: Tinsel Trading Co. on W. 37th. Talk about Heaven on Earth. It was eye candy from floor to ceiling.  Although not a very big shop, this place housed what I had thought was one of the biggest trimming and ribbon selection I had seen. That was until later in the day when we went to M&J trimmings which was literally the Mack Daddy of trimmings shops. Didn't get any pictures, they would have never done the place justice anyway.

See what  I mean? The place rocked- it was so visually appealing- I couldn't stop taking pictures. I finally did get it out of my system and started shopping. They had some metal findings, vintage goodies, ribbon and trim. I bought a little bit of everything.

This was the cabinet of spendy treasures. There were several ribbons here that I wanted very badly but the price tags kept me away. One of the coolest things about this shop was the antique furnishings used to display the pieces.

Tinsel Trading Co. NYC
More shots from Tinsel Trading. I can't wait to show you some of the ribbon I found here!

All smiles after our purchases were made!

I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of any of the bead stores we went to. But we hit up several, and they were all really great. Lots of strands, stones, glass. We went to City Beads, Toho Shoji, Bead Center, and Phoenix Beads. I guess I got completely blinded by the bling and forgot about photographing anything.

Saturday night we had reservations for dinner at El Rio Grande- A wonderful Mexican Restaurant where we met up with the beautiful Lisa Peters Russ! It was my first time meeting Lisa, and I can tell you she is just as friendly and wonderful in person as she is online. We had a nice dinner and enjoyed several glasses of Sangria- talked beads, talked shopping- ya know- All the important stuff!

On Sunday we had breakfast out at a diner up the street from our hotel. We headed back out to do more shopping- hit up M & J Trimmings, and also went to Anthropologie! There was so much to look at! I'm always so inspired at that shop. Everything is so beautiful, the displays, the housewares, the clothing, the JEWELRY!

Anthropologie, NYC
                                                             More shots from Anthropogie.

There will be a nice follow-up post to talk about the beads I came home with. Also, Nancy and I did a fun Flip video when we got home last night, where we talked a little bit about our favorite bead purchases. Once that's uploaded, I'll share links here.

Til next time,


  1. What a fun trip! The best part would be hanging out with people who understand, appreciate, and actually have fun shopping for beads and findings.

  2. I love your photo's of the trip! Really, really nice! Tinsel Trading is amazing! It has been one of my fav stops for (I think longer than it has been Marth's, LOL!) I had such a wonderful evening talking everything "bead" saturday night and meeting you all for the first time "in person"... you are all lovely, lovely ladies who truly have something special to bring to the conversation.. Can't wait to do it again..

  3. Wow! What a fab trip. I know about those price tags that keep you away - I was in Liberty's in London earlier today and wanted SO bADLY a wooden spool of silk liberty fabric bias binding...but they were Ā£45, about $70....maybe not! Can't wait to see what you bought. I love the black and white photo of you guys altogether, it s great shot. Oh, to visit NYC! One day...

  4. Wow - it looks like you guys had a blast. Thank you so much for sharing the pictures. I am sure you guys had a blast spending time together, shopping, and talking shop!

  5. Ah, the Big Apple, good in photos, but definitely not my style. Thanks for sharing your lovely day with us. And I admit to being a tad bit jealous of what seem to be wonderful friendships for you. I could use more of that stuff in my life. So, here envy shows me what I could put some energy toward: cultivating friends that I might actually hang out with. Peace out.

  6. Thanks for taking me on that trip. It was great!

  7. That looks so fun! And, I love your gorgeous photos!

  8. That looks like the most fun ever! Thanks for brining us along!

  9. What a FUN weekend you all had !!
    Thanks so much for sharing your photos & your trip.
    Really enjoyed reading & seeing your photos !!

  10. Awesome!
    My sister lived in a building down the street from the Rio! I ate there! I love how your trips always incorporate good FOOD. That's how I feel about travel, it is a must to include good food!! The bead stores must have been amazing too, can't wait to see what you bought!

  11. What fun, great company, good friends with everything in common and amazing choices to shop. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I. LOVE. IT. ALL! I love everything about this post and the trip! I so enjoyed it. You got some amazing shots, L! These are so great! I hope some of the ones I took came out okay. I had such a blast with you and the girls and I CAN NOT wait to do it again sometime! You seriously are some of the best friends I have ever had in entire my life and the only ones that I share my passion with. Love ya to pieces! ;)

  13. Sounds like you had a good time. I miss living there! Had I thought about it more beforehand, I could have given you some tips (besides restaurants) on where to find beads, like CJS. 5,000 square feet of vintage goodies. Oh! I hope you got to go to the flagship store for Anthropologie! WOW! Their sale section rocks the house AND they've always got interesting displays... like floating islands.

  14. A great day away and Awesome shopping, who could ask for more!
    Lovely pictures Lorelei!

  15. LOVE how fantastic all your pics came out! I had an absolutely fabulous time hanging out with you, Erin and Nancy!!! You really are THE best!

  16. Goodness! That sounds like a fantastic trip. I've never been to NYC myself and dream of going one day. Hopefully, I'll get to check out some of the awesomeness you visited on this trip. Jealous!

  17. Being lucky enough to have a brother-in-law who lives in Manhattan, I get to go to Tinsel Trading Co once or twice a year! It's too fantastic to describe! Next time I'm heading to Anthropologie, too - their catalogs are incredible - I'm sure the store is too much!!

    Thanks for sharing your fabulous trip :)

  18. Thanks for sharing Lorelei! Looks like you all had so much fun. I can't wait to see some of the purchases. What fun to hang out with others that are similarly obsessed. : )

  19. Wow - looks like you had your own "Tucson" trip!
    Glad I don't live close - I could do major damage....
    What great selections you made. Fun to see what you'll create.

  20. Looks like you had a blast with your pals. Isn't that the best. Makes for great memories. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I looks amazing!Thank you for sharing your pics.

  22. I'm so glad you guys had such a good time! Jealous jealous jealous ;-)

  23. So glad you were thrilled to be in really is an amazing place. Lived here (in the outer boroughs....a hop, skip and jump away) and would never move away from it. NYC has glad you enjoyed yourselves. Come back soon!

  24. I can't think of a more perfect day; Thanks for sharing!! :) I'm hoping some or all of you will be at Bead and Button this year so we can meet up, too!! :)


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