New Studio Space, again.

I swear, after this move, I am NOT moving my studio again. For a long time. anyway.
Here's how it all went down. We were long overdue for a new bed. We bought a new bed. We wanted to keep the old bed, because Joe built the headboard himself.  So the Studio moved down to the first floor office, the old bed moved to the ex-studio, and so. here we are. a new space.

The new studio is about 3/4 the size of the bedroom I was using upstairs. I suppose other than breathing room, there is really no need for that much empty floor space in the old studio. This one is definitely more cozy, and another bonus.... I can just yell to Joe who is in the family room watching the tube, instead of calling him on the phone intercom system.

The office part of the office, (desk and computer) stayed where it was because of the whole cable line/phone line issue. Also the large black bookcase/cabinet thingie stayed where it was, but the books were taken upstairs. The one thing I couldn't fit in the new space was the bookshelf that was holding all the bead bins.
So now, the search continues yet again, for the best solution for bead storage.  The bins, stacked 9 high, isn't really working- and one of these days, they are going to come crashing down, beads going everywhere, causing pure chaos and havoc.

For now, this works. It can definitely be improved and I'll be working on that.  In the meantime, I gotta get my butt in gear and start finishing up designs for the Jewelry Accord project before the first deadline.
If you don't hear from me much lately, just know- I'm here. Under this big pile o' beads.


  1. My studio is having some serious jealousy issues with your studio! Maybe mine should just simmer down and take note! The mental image of you half buried under a gigantic pile of beads arms waving madly is killing me! It looks like a great place to create!

  2. I am loving the new set up. MUCH more cozy. Once you get some better storage options for your beads, I think it will feel more functional

  3. I think that U-shape is quite beneficial for working. My jewelry making area will be the next area I work on. Right now it all gets lugged up and down stairs to the dining room when I need to work.

    How is that folding table for hammering? I have a few 4' tables like that and was considering using them, but not sure how "bouncy" they might be with a good whacking (not that hard, but you know, lots of bangingā€¦).

    Love the peaceful color still! Ahhh...

  4. I really like this a lot. Sometimes cozy IS better, for sure and this seems so well organized.

  5. The studio looks very inviting. I just had a product recommendation for beads. I recently bought a storage unit from They have units in different sizes w/ these great little 1" drawers for beads. I'm loving mine. --SallyA

  6. I love it. And i love that wall paint color

  7. Yes, that whimsical light blue is the perfect color for a studio space, I think. :)

  8. Wow Lorelei! It looks great! I also love the "U" shape work area. I now have an "L" shape and like it. I'm sure it's nice having it on the first floor. Mine is on our second floor and is a total mess right now. I did break down the other night and bought a couple of those cool storage bins from The Container Store. I think they were the best for my working area.

  9. looks bright and sunny...fabulous!

  10. Oops! Sorry about that puddle of drool on your studio floor!

    Seriously, this looks great! I love the walls in that room!

  11. Sorry for that puddle of drool on your studio floor!

    Seriously, it looks great! I love the walls in that room!

  12. Loving the window! If I was by myself I think I would rearrange the furniture all the time. I have decorating ADD.It looks pretty awesome!

  13. I love the light blue walls. It all looks lovely--see you do need another printers cabinet, so Joe doesn't have to come in a dig you out from under 9 boxes worth of beads!

  14. It looks great! Great light and a wonderful feel.

  15. Great setup. Can I come over and play?

  16. Sorry about my double post. For some reason, I kept getting an error that neither one went through. Now I see both of them did! Oh, well I like your set-up enough to drool twice!

  17. Hey Lorelei! I've added some pics of my studio on my blog, give them a look see because I've discovered a great way for you to not have that problem with your bead storage boxes. I used stackable paper trays that you can find at any Wallymart! Its working fantastically great! So check it out on my blog and give it a try so you don't have a beadtastrophy everywhere! And I'm also LOVING your new digs, it looks like a wonderful inspirational cubby! Gawgeous!


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