Enchanted Adornments 8th and FINAL GIVEAWAY

WELCOME to this week's Enchanted Adornments Giveaway!

Here is some background info in case you are just tuning in for the first time:

Cynthia Thornton, of Green Girl Studios, has written an amazing book called Enchanted Adornments: Creating Mixed-Media Jewelry with Metal, Clay, Wire, Resin & More, and it will be released on November 1, 2009!I am really excited about the release of this book because Cynthia and her family, are all amazingly talented and this book will totally rock the hizzouse. But not only that, I contributed a piece of jewelry for the Gallery section of the book, and am really super excited for all of you to see it!

The Green Girl Studios team, graciously donated 8 small packages of beads to be randomly given away, in honor of the big book release, to my little blog! How cool is that!

This EIGHTH and FINAL package of beads contains 7 pewter beads and 1 Gold-coated clasp, all in the HEARTS theme!

All you have to do to enter yourself to win, is leave a comment on this post! Keep in mind, you will ONLY BE ENTERED ONCE by leaving a comment, on this post only.

Do you buy beading books to learn new techniques? What is your favorite beading book, and why?

Please try to only leave one comment, or the counting will be way off!
1 comment per person will be counted. if you forget and leave 2 comments, one of your comments will be disqualified. (as long as I can keep up with that)

I will draw a random winner using the Random Integer Generator, on Monday October 26! Please keep in mind, you CAN NOT WIN if you leave an anonymous comment and don't tell me where I can reach you! So leave your emails!

Good luck to everyone!!


  1. I actually buy beading books for two reasons:
    1. to get inspired
    2. to learn new techniques.
    I dont really have a favorite book because each of them offers something different. If I really had to pick though, my Sharilyn Miller book is important b/c of all the wireworking it taught me.

  2. I do buy beading books to learn new techniques. If I really admire the work of someone,I will buy their book if they have one. I have a favorite book for general seedbeading called Creative Bead Weaving by Carol Wilcox Wells. It has info on lots of classic stitches. I grab it if I need a refresher on a technique.

  3. well- if i am in a rut- i love to look through my books (my new fave is Semiprecious Salvage) for inspiration. It puts me "in the mood" - so to speak! I just purchased French Inspired Jewelery and can't wait to get it....

  4. I like to borrow books from the local Library. The Los Angeles system lets you type in the title or author, and they search and send you the book from outlying branches, free.
    I like to utilize the techniques I'm interested right away, on projects.
    I learn best visually ~ and the resources are there for the asking!

  5. I buy books for the learning possibilites, and for ideas. It would be so hard for me to pick a favorite, so I won't!

  6. yes, i do try to get books to expand my knowledge... loving 'semiprecious salvage' and 'a charming exchange' right now... waiting for ea to come out... i am not the kind of person who can pick one fav! a float in the grey areas...

  7. Congratulations Susan for winning those cute bird beads!

    I buy books for inspiration, to learn new techniques, and for the pure joy of looking at the great eye candy!

    My current favorites are A Charming Exchange and Semiprecious Salvage, though there are so many that I just love!

  8. I don't have one favorite book as each usually has a few things in them that interest me. I do buy books, way too many, and love to refer back to them. Congratulations on being published. What a treat to win these lovely adornments.

  9. I loveee to read!!! so I have a lots of beading, crafts and mixed media books, also magazines... only to enjoy the reading!!!... because don't have the time to practice the techniques. My favorites are... all the books written by Sherri Haab, Bead on a wire by Sharilyn Miller and The Beaded Opulence by Marcia Decoster. I have to mention Custom Cool Jewelry by Melinda Barta and Beyond the Bead by Margot Potter. I have a lots of excellent beading books!!

  10. I look to books for both inspiration and to learn new techniques. My fav is Semiprecious Salvage. Because of it, I have tried etching copper and stamping metal with letters.

  11. I buy beading books for inspiration and technique...Sometimes I like just looking at the pretty pictures. I can't pick an absolute favorite, but I AM really in love with Marcia DeCoster's Beaded Opulence...Such a pretty book!

  12. This was a tough one...but one of my favorites is "A String and a Prayer: How to make and use Prayer Beads." I've made Rosaries for years and this added another dimension.

  13. I love anything from Sharilyn Miller since I'm really into wire wrapping right now. I look to all my books for inspiration but not to copy. Looking at the photos gets the creative juices flowing.

  14. I do buy beading books to learn new techniques, I also buy them to get inspiration. Looking at different things triggers my creative juices. I see something inspiring and I go create. In the end you wonder how I came up with this piece using the inspiration piece, because they look nothing alike.
    waiting the release...

  15. I'm a library girl too! I have a weekly addiction :-)

    I go for techniques... I usually already have an idea and want to find the way to make it happen.

    These heart beads will be great for valentines jewelry! I hope it get 'em!

  16. Anonymous10/19/2009

    Hi, I read jewelry books for both inspiration and technique. My favorite right now is Robert Dancik's new book. I enjoy your blog ---- keep up the great work!!!


  17. I don't read books on jewelry making, but I'd still like to have my name entered for the draw. LOL

    On another note, I love, love, love the sherbert bracelet you listed today.

  18. I buy beading books to see what amazing things other bead makers are up to.

    My favorite beading book is the all time masterwork of flameworked bead porn - "1000 Glass Beads" published by Lark Books.

  19. My favorite beading book is Beaded Embellishment by Robin Atkins & Amy Clarke.
    Love these charms!!

  20. I buy books and magazines for inspiration and new ideas. My favorite is always the latest one that I've bought.

    I love the hearts!! Pick me! Pick me!

  21. I buy beading books/magazines for inspiration and design tips. And just to drool over the beautiful jewelry pics! These GG pieces are awesome, the large winged heart is one of my fav pieces. Heck, anything with a heart is my fav!

  22. I buy almost every book that comes out...I am so bad. By far my favorite is Custom Cool Jewelry by Melinda Barta....I could look at it everyday!!!


  23. I buy beading books to also get new ideas and to learn new techniques.

    I have no favourites as yet as they all bring omething useful to me.

  24. Yes I have a ridiculous amount of books. No I will never sell anyone them to fund my habit. I applaud those of you who use the library, but I do feel the need to own it myself as so many of my books I refer back to again and again, for so many reasons

  25. I love these pieces!
    I buy beading books to learn new techniques and to be inspired by the illustrations. I don't always read the directions and I almost always create something different than what is on the page, but it's a great place to start.


  26. To be totally honest I have never looked at a beading book. I have a few favorite jewelry designers who sell on Etsy and when I need inspiration I go and browse their shops :) saskeen@earthlink.net :)

  27. I only own one jewelry-making related book right now, but if I had the money (spending money on beads is, unfortunately for me, more of a priority than books!), I would probably buy many books in order to learn new techniques.

  28. I've been getting bead books out of the library (working for the University of California has some good perks!), mainly as I'm interested in old beads from africa and asia. But if my budget allowed, I'd buy bead books! Thanks for these contests, Lorelei!

    A fan,
    Juliette :)

  29. Of course...yes...I've learned everything I do from books or tutorials...my favorite book is bead on a wire

  30. My fave book is "Passing the Flame" by Corina Tettinger! Bc its a lampworker Bible...:)
    Thanks for the opportunity again! x

  31. Definitely! there are many.... Japanese beading books, Wire Style and Chain Style are faves as well. Lots of inspiration in those!!

  32. I tend to look at books in media different from what I work in so I can find inspiration without being influenced by the work of people who use the same media as I do.

  33. All time favorite book is 1000 Glass Beads. I also get Inspiration and technique from the many many bead magazines I have.

  34. I buy a beading book because I can learn new techniques and because I love the projects in them. It's hard to choose a single book because there are bits and pieces that I love from each of them.

  35. Well, here I go again. I love the magazine, Stringing. It always seems so fresh to me. I don't ever copy the designs but they seem to inspire me in all sorts of directions. I hope I win the hearts this time!!!!

  36. Hello and yes, I do love buying books (I'm a librarian). But as a beader I love looking at new designs. I find that beads I've had for years find their place in a new design. My new favorite is Mixed Metals. I'm just starting to work with brass and I love it.
    Alice Howe

  37. Melissa P10/20/2009

    Can't resist the books! Faves are Margie Deeb's The Beaders Color Palette and The Art of Bead Embroidery by Heidi Kummli and Sherry Serafini. These are my go-to inspiration when I am having color issues.

  38. Actually for both inspiration and new techniques. I can't believe Nov. is almost here, and we only have days now to wait for Enchanted Adornments!! :)Of course you are the one that has made the time go by so nicely, hosting the Green Girl Studio giveaways!! Thank you!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  39. Oooh! This a question for me! My weakness is jewelry and beading books! I love'em, I hoard'em, and I buy'em uuuuup! I rarely buy to learn techniques. If the book is gorgeous or I'm inspired by it or if I like one or two things about, I'll buy it hands down. Even if I have absolutely no intention of using any of the techniques or projects in it. Is that weird? If it is, I don't care. I love, love, love collecting them. I love flipping through them and they help to inspire my ceramic jewelry components. one of my current favorites that I recently added to my collection is Beautiful Wire Jewelry for beaders by Irina Miech. The book is beautiful and the projects are gorgeous and inspiring.

  40. Anonymous10/20/2009

    En France nous n'avons pas de livre
    comme vous avez aux USA sur le wire
    et la fabrication de bijoux, seuls des livres sur la polymĆØre sont
    Ć©crits par quelques passionnĆ©es de fimo mais ce n'est pas la mĆŖme passion. Je n'arrive pas Ć  lire correctement l'anglais
    A bientƓt maryvonne.

  41. Anonymous10/20/2009

    En France nous n'avons pas de livre
    comme vous avez aux USA sur le wire
    et la fabrication de bijoux, seuls des livres sur la polymĆØre sont
    Ć©crits par quelques passionnĆ©es de fimo mais ce n'est pas la mĆŖme passion. Je n'arrive pas Ć  lire correctement l'anglais
    A bientƓt maryvonne.

  42. I do buy books and magazines for inspiration. I just purchased Chain Style by Jane Dickerson. I love this book and your contributions are fabulous! Thanks to you and Jane and all the contributors for such wonderful inspiration!

  43. I only have two metal clay books that I've purchased but I have loads of magazines that I draw inspiration from and look to for techniques. I don't copy, have too many of my own designs to make, never seem to run out of ideas. The beads speak to my muse and the piece is created from there. Would love to have you "heart" me.

  44. I buy books for both inspiration and techniques and some for their beauty like the 1000 Glass Beads.

    My favorites are:
    Sharilyn Miller's Bead on a Wire
    Kate McKinnon's metal clay books
    Hadar Jacobsen's metal clay books
    1000 Glass Beads
    Margie Deeb's The Beaders Color Palette

    Oh...heart me with those hearts!!

    PS - This has been a fun, fun contest!

  45. I love books so that spills over into my love of making jewelry. I like them for both instruction and beauty. Bead on a Wire by Sharilyn Miller was a big help with some new techniques and I have ordered Enchanted Adornments-can't wait to see that. Your give aways are awesome - thank you.

  46. I do buy books to learn new techniques, usually a stitch that I just can't figure out. One of my favorites is a book on making findings (toggles) out of seed beads. I also love the silky tubular beads book, I have had good fun making those beads!

    Thanks for the great blog!

  47. I love books, magazines, blogs - anything about beads. One of my favourite books is by Denise Peck on Wire Working.


  48. I love jewelry books and tend to hoard them in stacks where they patiently wait until I need a creative boost. My favorites to date are Sharilyn Miller's Bead on a Wire and A Charming Exchange.

  49. I usually buy beading books to learn new techniques, but occasionally I buy one simply because it's beautiful. My favorite would still be the very first one I bought: The New Beadwork by Kathlyn Moss & Alice Scherer. I still love to leaf through it and marvel, and it was definitely one of the "beautiful" books.

  50. I love the question! I purchase books that inspire. They need to have more than just projects because the idea is to learn techniques and how to translate those techniques into my own personal style. Projects can be good, in order to practice techniques but it can't be just projects.
    My most very recent book? Rice Freeman-Zachery's Living The Creative Life.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  51. I buy beading books and I borrow them from the library. I do mostly mixed media stuff- I can't see or manipulate my fingers for seed beads any more ;-)


  52. mary sullivan10/20/2009

    I take books out from the library - and buy the ones I really like. My two favs for great pictures, clear how-to info and projects are Bead on a Wire and Jennifer Heynen's (Jangles) Ceramic Bead Jewelry.

  53. For inspiration and techniques I generally buy magazines, after I've perused them in the bookstores coffee shop! I think I've learned more though from following blogs like this one from fellow jewelry artists that share what they've learned.

  54. I'm only beginning to be interested in jewerly and find inspiration and new techniques in magazines.
    I am very fond of Japanese books and magazines.

  55. Mel Mel10/21/2009

    I'm always looking for new ideas and inspiration. The book I used the most as a beginner was a softcover booklet from the craft store called "Beading 101". I currently have Chainstyle & Enchanted Adornments on my christmas list. I also look for any publications that have Lorelei designs in them. Hearts to you. Mel Mel

  56. I try to buy books that are heavy on techniques--since I rarely complete any of the projects in books, I try not to buy project books. My current favs--Custom Cool Jewelry, Ceramic Bead Jewelry (obviously), and A Charming Exchange.

  57. I have the opportunity to preview a lot of jewelry-related books via my day job at R&T's--so it is pretty rare that I buy books because I have an open library of information that I can borrow anytime. But one book that I bought a year ago, while I was on vacation, is Stephanie Lee's "Semi-precious Salvage". I adore this book and have adapted several of the jewelry-making techniques into my personal and professional work. Stephanie's work is truly inspiring and she is a goddess for being so open with her techniques.

    I also think the internet in general is a limitless treasure chest of great how-to's!

    Hey--October 27th is my birthday--wouldn't the Enchanted Adornments make an awesome birthday surprise? :-)!


  58. I did pre-order Enchanted Adornments which is really out of character for me.
    Good Luck everyone.

  59. I buy books for technique - my first was to learn the basics - All Wired Up by Lareau. I have a really old metalworking book that is sort of like the Joy of Cooking is for my kitchen. For inspiration and little skills, I buy magazines, surf the web, and look through art books.

  60. Those charms are so awesome! I can't wait for the book to come out!

  61. I usually get magazines for ideas, and some books..I'm saving up for 2 books "Beyond the Bead" and a new resin book I saw..right now, my mind seems to be blank!!! I can't get started on any jewelry making project!!! I have been pouring over old magazines and books I have and nothing!!!! usually my books seem to help, so I'm hoping!!!!..would Love this book, maybe that would help!!!

  62. Yes I love to buy bead books. I like to look at them for inspiration. My favorite book is The Complete Book of Glass Beadmaking by Kimberly Adams. It has a ton of information and it is delivered in a way that makes it incredibly easy to learn!

  63. Anonymous10/30/2009

    Your pictures inspire me - I really enjoy your work!

  64. Anonymous12/01/2009

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